New businesses in Ostrava city centre

An overview of newly opened businesses that have been launched and are being prepared at the beginning of the year 2017. And there’s the first article in English! ;)

Boule Za Ušima bistro

Bon Gusta, originally a vegetarian bistro, moved from Nádražní street to larger premises on Tyršova street and renamed itself to Boule Za Ušima. Bistro offers breakfasts, lunches and dinners in diverse variety now offering also meat cuisine.

FB Bistro Boule za ušima

Source: FB Bistro Boule Za Ušima

Mr. Sushito

A novelty at the Ostrava gastronomic scene is „sushi to go“. Mr. Sushito – a new restaurant on Roháčová street 3339/3 offers fresh and healthy SUSHI BURRITOs. Combined tastes of Japanese and Mexican cuisine, fresh ingredients and homemade sauces make Sushito a unique dish not enjoyed only by the sushi lovers.

FB Mr. Sushito

Cooking accessories store opened on Českobratrská street next to Polívkárna bistro.


Plato, The Art Office

The gallery Plato opened a temporary space on Českobratrská street 1888/14. This former textile shop will provide a base for ‚Plato, The Art Office“ until a transformation of the Bauhaus building is completed. The project uniquely combines an exhibition space with the office facilities. It will be opened for public every day (except for Mondays) from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., the first exhibition is planned for the end of February. Also lectures, concerts and screenings will take place here.

Nepalese-Indian restaurant Makalu

On Sokolská Třída street a Nepalese cuisine restaurant is in the preparation. It is located at the corner of Sokolská Třída and Dvořákova streets.

Superfood Bar

A new business is going to be opened in the renovated space of the Campus Palace in Smetanovo Square. It is based on the concept of modern „raw & vegan“ fresh restaurant with a bar and a wide selection of vegetable dishes. See article on our partner site – Patriot magazine.

In Přívoz on Macharova street there is a commercial space under a reconstruction. We do not know yet what the result might be.


This article is to follow the previous news, see hashtag #podniky (always under the heading) or see the related articles below…

We keep monitoring only the historical heart of the city with some special exceptions. If you happen to know any other new places, feel free to write into the comment section or use the contact form and let us know.

Language correction: Radka Matějová, děkujeme. ;)

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1 komentář

  1. thrpst :

    Good job!

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